All Oscillot® installations require at least 1 extra Post Kit. The Paddle Set includes 1 x Paddle and 1 x Post Kit, so you need another Post Kit to attached the other end of the Paddle to the fence.

The reason that a Paddle Set includes only 1 x Post Kit instead of 2 is due to the Post Kits being dual knuckle, meaning 2 Paddles can be inserted into each Post Kit at a 180° angle. Paddle after paddle is then installed for the length of the fence run and at the end of each fence run is when the extra Post Kit is required.

The average 4 sided fenced yard requires 5 extra Post Kits however, more can be needed when going over gates, short sections of fence, fences with protruding vertical posts and fences that stagger in height. 

Oscillot dual knuckle post kit helps paddles roll freely to keep your cat safe in your yard


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